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We spoke to Sidne about his career and exciting new role at Lufthansa Innovation Hub

We spoke with Sidne about how he has come to his new job as Senior Business Development Manager at Lufthansa Innovation Hub in Singapore.

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In this interview, we spoke with candidate Sidne about his career path and his new unique role as Senior Business Development Manager at Lufthansa Innovation Hub in Singapore - which he found via Movemeon!

Please tell us a little about your career so far?

I started my career out in China working for an asset management company, following which I co-founded three companies based out of China. I had mixed success with these, but it taught me so much about business development, growing teams and working across the region. 

I then returned to Singapore and joined Grab (Asia’s super app!), where I led business development and partnerships, then two years ago I joined foodpanda where I managed key accounts and was responsible for a significant regional P&L.

You just found a new role with the help of Movemeon! What is the new role about and what excites you about the new opportunity?

I’ll be joining Lufthansa Innovation Hub which is the airline’s digital, innovation and venture capital unit. I’ll be helping to build out LIH’s Asia presence from our Singapore and Shanghai hubs, connecting with exciting startups and fostering partnerships in the travel and mobility tech ecosystem. In terms of career growth, this ticks every single box for me - business development, VC, startups, innovation. I’m super excited!

How did you come across the role with LIH?

The Movemeon APAC team reached out to me directly to highlight this role. Initially reading through it, I was intrigued by the name of the company and decided to investigate further, realising that they were not simply an aviation startup, which was my initial assumption. I’m glad I took that step and decided to apply straight away!

In your opinion, how does Movemeon differ from other platforms/agencies/channels?

I believe that traditional recruitment agencies tend to have a “fill the spaces” mentality, where candidates are simply commodities. I’ve genuinely found that from the first point of contact through to receiving the job offer, the Movemeon team has been extremely helpful and highly communicative and responsive. What you see in the space that’s quite common is the Recruiter “ghosting” the candidate at times, which is extremely unprofessional and a big gripe for many in the recruitment process. I have no doubt that should I not have gotten this role, the Movemeon team would have been equally communicative, and only wish to offer other roles that suit my profile.

Seems to me as well that Movemeon connects candidates with jobs that are out of the norm, focusing largely on fast-growing startups that many candidates wouldn’t even have heard of (like in my case). There’s a vast array of companies out there looking for hires, and awareness is everything, in order to match the right candidate to said companies.

What advice would you give to other Movemeon candidates?

I would be clear in the profile setup on exactly what geographies/ salary range/ skillsets you bring to the table, and let their algorithm work naturally. I’m still receiving many interesting job opportunities pushed to my inbox from Movemeon, many of which are intriguing!

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