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About us

Founded by McKinsey alumni, built around what we would have wanted

When leaving McKinsey to transition into freelance consulting, we saw the inefficiencies and outdated practices in the recruitment industry first-hand.

We started Movemeon to challenge these processes and give our members exclusive access to quality jobs at leading companies, without the hassle.

Movemeon team
Why Movemeon?

Never miss out and always hear back

The best jobs and projects

Private equity funds, startups & other hard-to-discover companies.

Exclusive data and Insights

To support your next move, or just for keeping an eye on the market.

Join your peers

The global home of current & former consultants and finance professionals.

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Jetzt Teil unsere exklusiven Community werden und Jobs bei führenden Unternehmen entdecken - in weniger als 5 Minuten.

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Unsere Werte

So liefern wir für unsere Community und unsere Kunden

Unsere Mission wird geleitet von


Wir legen Wert auf Ehrlichkeit, Integrität und Qualität bei allem, was wir tun. Wir haben immer das Wohl unserer Community, unserer Kunden und Kollegen im Auge.


Wir wurden gegründet, um die Norm in Frage zu stellen, und glauben an Innovation und Technologie, die erstklassige Erlebnisse schafft und außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse liefert.


Wir geben anderen die Meinungsfreiheit, die wir selbst erwarten würden, und hören auf die Stimmen, die seltener zu hören sind.

Unser Team

Die Menschen hinter Movemeon

Wir sind nichts ohne unsere Team.

Mit einer Passion für DE&I und technologiebasiertes Arbeiten unterstützen wir Unternehmen dabei, zu wachsen und Menschen dabei, erfolgreich in ihrem Job zu sein.

Wir haben unseren Hauptsitz in Großbritannien und haben Teams in Europa, den Nahen Osten, Nordamerika und dem asiatisch-pazifischen Raum.

Nick Patterson

Loves mountains and the sea, but lives a long way from both in Berkshire with his wife, son, and Labrador. Enjoys most sports (now watching more than playing). Co-founder and ex-McKinsey consultant.

Rich Rosser

My wife and I have 3 young kids. So we've escaped London for more space in the countryside, where we're tackling never-ending laundry and gardening! I enjoy fell running and have been known to tackle an ultra-marathon or two.

Pete Clifton-Smith
General Manager, Asia-Pacific

APAC consulting and growth experience, from China to SE Asia and ANZ. Based in Sydney. Follows rugby & cricket, is learning guitar (slowly) and is trying to improve his Italian (glacial pace).

Clarrie Hollingworth
Regional Leadership Team - EMEA

Devon based with a young family, I lead Movemeon's Client Accounts team across EMEA, all the while hoping a degree in Archaeology and Ancient History will be of practical use in business someday.

Elisa Nicolini
Director of Product

"No cappuccino after lunch" Movemeon policy's supporter, I was born and raised in Italy and have called London home since 2016. I'm responsible for the future of the Movemeon product while also providing insights into its current state.

Andrew Fraser
General Manager, US

From the UK, but living in West Palm Beach, FL with my wife, son and golden retriever. Happiest when spending time at the beach with my family, often with a fishing rod in hand.

Sabrina Woodman
Regional Leadership Team - EMEA

Born & raised in Bavaria, happiest out in nature with her dog Rhea or in the pottery studio. Passionate about DE&I & female leadership, supporting employers to find their unique value proposition.

Gabriella Ong
Regional Leadership Team - EMEA

Brunei born, Devon raised, and living in London. Lover of a good Laksa and a long hike, and servant to a mini dachshund called Enzo. Head up the EMEA Client Success Team, advising and supporting clients and candidates through the hiring process.


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